The Sports Therapy Association Podcast is recorded LIVE every Tuesday at 8pm (UK) on the Sports Therapy Association YouTube channel and Facebook Page, and then uploaded as a podcast. You do not have to be an STA member to attend the live recordings - it is a chance to network with fellow therapists and discuss topics that together help us all move forward as an industry. The goal of the podcast, hosted by Matt Phillips (creator of runchatlive.com), is to deliver to Soft Tissue Therapists of all levels (including massage therapists, sports therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, chiropractors, etc.) up to date information on how to be a modern, successful, effective health care practitioner, with a gold star reputation for being able to help people in pain and/or looking for performance gains. The Sports Therapy Association (STA) is a professional representation for Sports Therapists, Sports Injury Therapists and Soft Tissue Therapists. We have worked passionately to develop a truly independent and ethical association that is committed to raising standards across the industry and progressing opportunities for our valued members.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
STA Ep44 'Shockwave Therapy' Part 2 with guests Ove Indergaard & Mike Grice
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
For the FIRST time in 43 podcast episodes, we bring you a PART 2 to the previous week's episode!
Last week in Ep.43, special guests Ove Indergaard (Clinical Director - Indergaard Physiotherapy) and Mike Grice (Education Director - Movement Therapy Education) did such a superb job in answering your questions on Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) that by popular demand they have very kindly agreed to return AGAIN!
In Ep.44 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast, host Matt Phillips of Runchatlive welcomes back Ove and Mike who this time talk specifically about how YOU the therapist can decide whether the investment is suitable for your practice, what shockwave equipment will best suit you and what type of training you may need.
Useful links:
• https://www.indergaardphysio.com/
• Movement Therapy Education website
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are streamed live to our YouTube channel and remember all soft tissue therapists (non members included) are welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
STA Ep43 'Shockwave Therapy' with special guests Ove Indergaard & Mike Grice
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is currently creating a great deal of interest amongst both therapists and patients, with some sources suggesting success rate ranges from 60% to 80% in epicondylitis, plantar fasciitis, cuff tendinitis, trocanteritis and Achilles tendinopathy.
NEWSFLASH! The fantastic reaction during the live recording of this episode means that we will be bringing you for the first time in the history of this podcast a PART TWO next week! This will include as requested details of how to check if Shockwave Therapy will suit you & your practice, how to get proper training, and options for equipment!
Useful links:
• https://www.indergaardphysio.com/
• Movement Therapy Education website
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are streamed live to our YouTube channel and remember all soft tissue therapists (non members included) are welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
STA Ep42 'How To Stay Evidence Informed' with Jamie Johnston
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
One common message in nearly all of our podcast episodes is the need for soft tissue therapists to use current best evidence in making decisions about how to most effectively help individual clients/patients. But with increasingly busy and stressful lives, how much time should we be spending to stay up to date? How do we know where to look for quality information? Should we expect to have to pay for it?
Check out themtdc.com for some fantastic sources of guidance & information for soft tissue therapists, as well as details of up & coming courses and a very worthwhile monthly membership.
Useful links:
• Website: themtdc.com
• Facebook: Massage Therapist Development Centre
• Instagram: @themtdc
• Twitter: @Jamie_MTDC
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are streamed live to our YouTube channel and remember all soft tissue therapists (non members included) are welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Ep.41 'Understanding Hypermobility' with special guest Bonnie Southgate #STA41
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page and also streamed live to YouTube, host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
As soft tissue therapists, how comfortable are you working with hypermobile individuals, be it within the athletic or non-athletic population? Is it just a case of handing out more strength work and being careful with stretches? In reality, Hypermobility is far from a straight forward syndrome, and it can often for example take an average of ten years for a diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
In Ep.41 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast we are delighted to bring you Bonnie Southgate of pilatestherapy.co.uk, Sports Therapist, Pilates Teacher and Teacher Trainer. As a former professional ballerina in the USA and with the Royal Ballet in the UK, Bonnie has a fantastically instinctive understanding of how the body moves and superb knowledge on the subject of Hypermobility. In this hour of live chat, Bonnie takes us through the difference between hypermobility and hypermobility syndrome, how to recognise it, and screen for it, as well as looking at the causes and most importantly how to deal with it.
It's a truly inspirational hour which highlights in particular how much WE can be doing as soft tissue therapists to help our patients and clients see the right person at the right time, which in many cases can make a huge impact on the quality of that person's life.
Look out for details on the STA website of up & coming courses with Bonnie Southgate!
Useful links:
• www.pilatestherapy.co.uk- Bonnie Southgate's Pilates website
• https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/
• https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/support-groups-uk/
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are streamed live to our YouTube channel and remember all soft tissue therapists (non members included) are welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Ep.40 'Posture - When Does It Matter?' with special guest Dr Chris Norris #STA40
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page and also streamed live to YouTube, host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
Ep.40 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast brings you Dr. Christopher Norris, Physiotherapist, MSc Exercise Science, PhD Spinal Rehabilitation and Acupuncturist & Dry Needling practitioner. Dr. Norris is the author of thirteen books on physiotherapy & exercise, including a textbook on sport injuries (Sports and Soft Tissue Injuries, Routledge). His book ‘Back Stability’ (Human Kinetics)' has received top reviews in both the UK and USA, and his ‘Complete Guide’ books regular get 4 and 5 star ratings on Amazon.
In this episode, Dr. Norris will be discussing the question: 'Posture - When Does It Matter?". Prepare yourself for an hour of revelation as Dr.Norris dispels some of the myths & misconceptions about posture that are still taught today on many courses. We'll be talking about when mechanics is important and when it isn't, and as soft tissue therapists how we can decide what to look for and when to look, as well as when to intervene and when to leave alone.
Useful links:
• Christopher Norris Posture blog - written a few years ago with useful references.
• Christopher Norris Course: 'Posture, Pain & Therapy' - includes free sample lectures & videos.
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are streamed live to our YouTube channel and remember all soft tissue therapists (non members included) are welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Ep.39 'Pain Education Skills' with special guest Mike Stewart- #STA39
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page and also streamed live to YouTube, host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
Ep.39 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast, we are delighted to bring you the one & only Mike Stewart of knowpain.co.uk. When it comes to pain education, Mike Stewart sits comfortably amongst the best there is. His 'Know Pain' courses have been taught in 17 countries, and have provided clinicians around the world with practical pain education skills. Mike's published work has received international praise from the leading names in neuroscience. He teaches across a variety of clinical settings including elite sports, and is an advisor on pain management to the International Olympic Committee.
In this episode, Mike draws upon his extensive 20 year's experience of helping people to overcome pain, highlighting the importance of therapists acquiring teaching skills, the relevance of the language and images we use, and how to embrace the biopsychosocial model without feeling that your bio-focussed studies have been a waste of time. Keep an eye out on Mike's website for up & coming courses - could be the most valuable CPD you ever do.
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are also available on our YouTube channel and on the Sports Therapy Association webpage. And remember, everyone is welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Ep.38 'Rheumatology 101' with special guest Jack March - #STA38
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page and also streamed live to YouTube, host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
Rheumatology is a branch of medicine dealing with the investigation, diagnosis and management of arthritis and other inflammatory or autoimmune conditions. These conditions are far more common than many soft tissue therapists suspect, often disguising themselves as musculoskeletal issues. Many go undiagnosed for years delaying important disease-modifying treatment.
Ep.38 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast we are delighted to be joined by special guest Jack March of www.rheumatology.physio. Jack is Clinical Lead for the Rheumatology service delivered by Chews Health, and one of the voices behind The Physio Matters Podcast. In this live hour entitled 'Rheumatology 101', Jack discusses Rheumatology symptoms and signs to help you the soft tissue therapist recognise rheumatologic conditions in clinical practice and refer on as necessary. Don't forget to check out the many resources Jack has on his website, including blog, details of courses and the highly recommended Recognising Rheumatology Audio Book.
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are also available on our YouTube channel and on the Sports Therapy Association webpage. And remember, everyone is welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Ep37 'Ask The Podiatrist' with special guest Nick Knight - #STA37
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page and also streamed live to YouTube, host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
Ep.37 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast sees the start of a new section within our weekly shows in which we will be inviting a health care professional from a different discipline to answer YOUR questions.
In the first of this new section we have the pleasure of bringing you Nick Knight, Clinical Director of NK Active, to answer your questions on Podiatry. What is it Podiatrists do? When should we be referring our patients to them? What should we be looking for when we check a client's gait? Are 'off the shelf' inserts any good?
Listeners are invited ahead of each of these episodes to send in questions for the guest, by emailing matt@thesta.co.uk.
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are also available on our YouTube channel and on the Sports Therapy Association webpage. And remember, everyone is welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page , host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
In Ep.36 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast,we are thrilled to announce that our special guest will be none other than Dr Tim Gabbett. With a PhD in Human Physiology and a second in Applied Sport Science, Dr. Gabbett has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles and has presented at over 400 national and international conferences. In a recent study of 8 million scientists published in PLoS Biology, Dr. Gabbett was named in the Top 25 most impactful sport scientists of all time.
In this episode, Dr. Gabbett will be talking to us about the progression of training loads to minimize injury risk and enhance performance. Many of us are aware that when progressing an athlete from rehabilitation to peak performance, a balance exists between providing an adequate training stimulus to elicit performance benefits and minimizing the risk of injury. The question is, how can we determine how much training is too much? How soon can training loads be progressed following injury? How quickly can athletes return to competition?
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are also available on our YouTube channel and on the Sports Therapy Association webpage. And remember, everyone is welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Welcome to the Sports Therapy Association Podcast!
Recorded live on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page , host Matt Phillips (creator of Runchatlive) brings guests from the Sports Therapy industry to answer YOUR questions and discuss topics chosen by YOU.
The current Covid-19 pandemic has created a very real mental health emergency. For soft tissue therapists, there is now more than ever a need to be as prepared as possible to recognise & assist clients with symptoms potentially connected with mental ill health, as well as recognise when we ourselves are suffering and need support.
In Ep.35 of the Sports Therapy Association Podcast, our special guest is James Chapman of AllAboutTheMind.com, an instructor for MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) and Sports Massage Therapist. James discusses what as therapists we can do to help prepare ourselves for the ever increasing need to understand Mental Health issues, and how MHFA courses can help therapists develop practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental ill health, gain confidence to reassure and support a person in distress, and learn how to guide them to further support and recovery.
Enjoyed the episode?
Please take a couple of minutes to leave us a rating & review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make all the difference in helping us reach out to a larger audience. iPhone users you can do this from your phone, Android users you will need to do it from iTunes.
All episodes are also available on our YouTube channel and on the Sports Therapy Association webpage. And remember, everyone is welcome to join us for the LIVE recording on Tuesdays at 8pm (UK time) on the Sports Therapy Association Facebook Page
Questions? Email: matt@thesta.co.uk